Comment 2 for bug 2056532

Revision history for this message
Nicolas Formichella (signed) wrote : Re: value required for option connection

The issue seems to actually lie in oslo.config

The stock (before the groupadd of the above link) config is not accessible by non-root

-rw-r----- 1 root placement 26376 Mar 12 09:46 placement.conf

The config doesn't exist for oslo.config

--- a/oslo_config/
+++ b/oslo_config/
@@ -2028,7 +2028,7 @@ class ConfigOpts(abc.Mapping):
+ print(locals())
         return prog, default_config_files, default_config_dirs

{'self': <oslo_config.cfg.ConfigOpts object at 0x7f813ec76da0>, 'project': 'placement', 'prog': 'placement-status', 'version': None, 'usage': None, 'description': None, 'epilog': None, 'default_config_files': [], 'default_config_dirs': []}

--- a/oslo_config/
+++ b/oslo_config/
@@ -2163,6 +2163,7 @@ class ConfigOpts(abc.Mapping):

         self._namespace = self._parse_cli_opts(args if args is not None
                                                else sys.argv[1:])
+ print(vars(self._namespace))
         if self._namespace._files_not_found:
             raise ConfigFilesNotFoundError(self._namespace._files_not_found)
         if self._namespace._files_permission_denied:

{'_conf': <oslo_config.cfg.ConfigOpts object at 0x7ff59557eda0>, '_parsed': [], '_normalized': [], '_emitted_deprecations': set(), '_files_not_found': [], '_files_permission_denied': [], '_config_dirs': [], '_sections_to_file': {}, 'command': 'upgrade', 'config_dir': None, 'config_file': None, 'debug': None, 'log_config_append': None, 'log_date_format': None, 'log_dir': None, 'log_file': None, 'use_journal': None, 'use_json': None, 'use_syslog': None, 'watch_log_file': None, 'syslog_log_facility': None, 'check': 'check', 'json': False, 'action_fn': <bound method UpgradeCommands.check of <placement.cmd.status.Checks object at 0x7ff592ecaf50>>}

It fills neither `_files_not_found` nor `_files_permission_denied`