Comment 16 for bug 1764965

Revision history for this message
José Miguel Sarasola (alosarjos) wrote :

Coming back from Pop!_OS 18.10 (Based on Ubuntu 18.10, 4.18.0-10-generic)

Still haven't tried with Audacity, but gnome-sound-recorded and Telegram Desktop have been fixed in my case.

All I did this time was setting

default-sample-rate = 48000

on /etc/pulse/daemon.conf and restarting (Probably restarting pulseaudio is enough).

before this, trying to send an audio recording through Telegram would end in an "muted" audio. Now it's working perfectly.

You can try with arecord

arecord -f cd -d 10 test.wav -> For recording
aplay test.wav -> For playing (Probably gonna end up in noise)

arecord -f cd -d 10 -r 48000 test-mic.wav -> recording with the 48000 sample rate should provide good results

PD: Remember to increase a bit the mic volume from the sound settings