Comment 16 for bug 1216332

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naguz (naguz-gmx) wrote :

I also have problems where fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 16 not supported seems to be the culprit.
I have installed Pipelight on Fedora 20 following the FDS-team instructions using the packages in repositories they refer you to.

I have run the user agent test suggested in post 14. No problems detected

I have run the xatr test suggested in post14. "It works!" But sadly, Netflix doesn't. It will always freeze at 20% during loading.

I am currently testing in chromium, as I got tired of messing up my web browsing experience in my regular browser Firefox, but I never got farther there either. What else could cause this error? The disk is not full, plenty of free HD space, more han enough availible RAM so I cant think of any other problems that should prevent proper wiriting/reading of that off the top of my head.