Comment 1 for bug 1478378

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grofaty (grofaty) wrote :

@Rick, I have encountering several this "can't save work" problems in resent years in several Pinta releases, but it was never (in my case at least) a problem in "save" operation itself, but in some other problem (bug) happening at least one action before save. I always got some exception error and then when save was performed it couldn't be done, because of the exception happening before it. I assume this is the same in you case.

It would be nice if you could figure it out what are the exact steps that triggered exception and then fail of save after. That would really help to debug and fix a problem.

I also suggest to download latest development version (currently pretty stable - fixed some v1.6 bugs, maybe your problem arelady fixed). If using Windows download file under "Windows" button and if using Linux or OS-X then download "Zip" file extract it and run it using command: mono Pinta.exe.

P.S. You have made a correct decision and open a new bug, because both bugs in your posts are marked fixed and fix of specific "save" problems were already released. So you problem is most probably a new problem.