Comment 4 for bug 1432964

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grofaty (grofaty) wrote :

I have never seen this feature on any Windows and Linux application, so that is why I thing average Joe user may have a problem with it. I don't know about OS X, I have never worked on OS X in my life... I am not saying this feature is not nice, just that is so unusual ony anything that I have seen before. Maybe average Joe (working on Windows) will also ask himself, how to close a tab (after some change on canvas), because there is no "x" anymore to close it down. In my life I have been working so many time with average Joe that I smell the problem right away.

This but is not really a big issue, but we should probably define which of the Windows/Linux/OS X is our primary platform and then make decisions on that. For example we have File | Quit which is Linux like - on Windows there is File | Exit standard. We have "tabs close" OS X like... You know what I am talking about have something fromo all of the platforms makes confusion...

P.S. It is not a big deal, but I think Option is not the best status of this bug. We should probably set Wishlist and status Low. Maybe we can find some better solution than this OS X like tabbing.