Comment 27 for bug 1377566

Revision history for this message
grofaty (grofaty) wrote :

Alan, I see you are very passionate about Pinta and I love it. You got to know that Pinta is a pretty small project and mainly runs on one person and few of them assisting. You jumped in with huge changes that are not easy to digest, specially because most of the merges are perfomed by only one great lead maintainer, Cameron, who was very busy fixing bugs and pusing a Pinta 1.6 release. The best approach is to create one small fix and create a pull request that is easy to understand and can be checked if working fine and then merged into project master.

Your interest in Pinta makes me very happy. It looks like you are not just trying to fix one or two annoying bugs, but would like to make more significant changes. In my humble opinion you may be perfect candidate for Google Summer of Code 2015, see:!topic/pinta/2eyE-N4XQ34 - you know you could work on Pinta code, have official mentor, personal e-mail contact of developer to help you through troubles, get advices and not the least and get some money out of it, you know money never hurts.

Andrew was one of very successful GSoC project (in 2013 and 2014), see also:!searchin/pinta/gsoc <--- searches for GSoC search string from Pinta's mailinglist.

If you are interested you have to prepare a list of task you would be working on. See end-users feature requests:

If interested please post some info about your interest on:!topic/pinta/2eyE-N4XQ34 and someone from developers can get in touch with you if help is required.