Comment 4 for bug 1093935

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Michael Healy (mehaul) wrote : Re: [Bug 1093935] Re: Keyboard shortcuts for selecting tools no longer functions

On 12/27/2012 01:16 PM, mehaul wrote:
> On 12/27/2012 12:25 AM, mehaul wrote:
>> On 12/26/2012 08:44 PM, Cameron White wrote:
>>> There have been a few bug fixes recently for how keyboard shortcuts are
>>> handled. Could you try out a daily build and see if that fixes the
>>> issue
>>> - ppa:pinta-maintainers/pinta-daily ?
>> Thank you I will try this and post the results.
>> michael
> I tried updating the repository yet to no avail. I will just use the
> mouse and tool box instead of the shortcuts for now. Pinta is still a
> fine app and in a week or so I will try and solve the shortcut issue.
> (As time to play permits) Thank you for your attention to this matter.
> Happy New Year to you!
Dear Cameron White,
I played with this Pinta bug a little more and have to share with you my
results. I am almost embarrassed but I have to share just in case
someone else reports the same bug in the future. *I had the NUM LOCK
button on*. When I turned it off the keyboard shortcuts for Pinta work
perfectly.. Had to share and thank you for your software and attention
to the problems that all folks including dummies like me share with you.
Peace and Happy New Year!
