Comment 3 for bug 1093935

Revision history for this message
Michael Healy (mehaul) wrote : Re: [Bug 1093935] Re: Keyboard shortcuts for selecting tools no longer functions

On 12/27/2012 12:25 AM, mehaul wrote:
> On 12/26/2012 08:44 PM, Cameron White wrote:
>> There have been a few bug fixes recently for how keyboard shortcuts are
>> handled. Could you try out a daily build and see if that fixes the issue
>> - ppa:pinta-maintainers/pinta-daily ?
> Thank you I will try this and post the results.
> michael
I tried updating the repository yet to no avail. I will just use the
mouse and tool box instead of the shortcuts for now. Pinta is still a
fine app and in a week or so I will try and solve the shortcut issue.
(As time to play permits) Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Happy New Year to you!