Comment 7 for bug 221433

Revision history for this message
smoohta (smoohta) wrote :

Hi Adam,
Here are the fixes I did based on the thread I linked to:
Downloaded PidginScreenlet 0.3.3., extracted it and opened

In class PidginScreenlet (screenlets.Screenlet):
I added the following line to create a global variable:

                p_layout = None

And then replaced every instance of p_layout = ctx.create_layout() with the following (this only appeared twice- in line 818 and line 1348):

  if self.p_layout == None :
   self.p_layout = ctx.create_layout()

Saved the file and in a console entered the following:
screenlets-packager *dir_screenlet_was_extracted_to*

and this should create a PidginScreenlet-0.3.3.tar.gz file, right click on screenlets manager, choose install and point it to the file.

After writing all this down I saw that you can add an attachment, oh well :)
I've also attached the fixed .tar.gz that I created, in case you don't want to go into fixing it manually... this version also has a cute little option I added- to auto-start Pidgin in case it isn't already open... I find it pretty useful but you can disable it if you want :)