Comment 3 for bug 413271

Revision history for this message
X_FISH (martin-gaskutsche) wrote :

Working fine (horizontal and vertical justification "middle"):

5px horizontal, 5px vertical, watermark is placed on the top left corner

-5px horizontal, 5px vertical, watermark is placed on the top right corner

5px horizontal, -5px vertical, watermark is placed on the bottom left corner

Not working:

-5px horizontal, -5px vertical

 watermark is placed on the top right corner (with an offset) instead of being placed on the bottom right corner

--8<--- snipp --
Warning 0:
Failed to save metadata to /home/martin/data/bilder/0908_august/0_phatch__neu.jpg:
pyexiv2: TIFF array element tag 43 has wrong type
Trying again by ignoring tags with following pattern:

Action: {'fields': {'As': u'<type>',
            'File Name': u'<filename>_neu',
            'In': u'<folder>',
            'JPEG Quality': u'85',
            'JPEG Size Maximum': '0kb',
            'JPEG Size Tolerance': '5%',
            'Metadata': 'yes',
            'PNG Optimize': 'no',
            'Resolution': u'<dpi>',
            'Show Type Options': 'no',
            'TIFF Compression': u'<compression>',
            '__enabled__': 'yes'},
 'label': 'Save'}


-->8--- snapp --

Greetings, martin