Comment 10 for bug 1267507

Revision history for this message
Axel (ajurak) wrote :

oops! I found something very strange!

The Server loaded all data, but the table size is by far smaller! ????

See the attachment - this is the galera server with your binaries


Server-Typ: MySQL
Server Version: 5.6.14-log - MySQL Community Server (GPL), wsrep_25.1.r4019


Space usage
Data 616.5 MiB
Index 544 KiB
Total 617 MiB

Row statistics
Format Compact
Collation utf8_general_ci
Next autoindex 28,344
Rows 23076 total


Server-Typ: MySQL
Server Version: 5.1.69-0ubuntu0.10.04.1-log - (Ubuntu)


Space usage
Data 2 GiB
Index 1.4 MiB
Total 2 GiB

Row statistics
Format Compact
Collation utf8_general_ci
Next autoindex 28,344
Rows 23076 total