Comment 2 for bug 1154095

Revision history for this message
Guillaume Lefranc (tanj) wrote :

Hello, the bug was probably reintroduced as a regression due to the new parallelization code, at line 161:

 find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -print0 | xargs -I{} -0 -P $count \
             rsync --owner --group --perms --links --specials \
             --ignore-times --inplace --recursive --delete --quiet \
             $WHOLE_FILE_OPT --exclude '*/ib_logfile*' "$WSREP_SST_OPT_DATA"/{}/ \
             rsync://$WSREP_SST_OPT_ADDR/{} >&2 || RC=$?

causes the following errors:

rsync: change_dir "/var/lib/mysql//./lost+found" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: change_dir#1 "lost+found" (in rsync_sst) failed: Permission denied (13)

A quick fix would be to change the first line by:

 find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d ! -name "lost+found" -print0
