Comment 0 for bug 989488

Revision history for this message
Walker Traylor (wtraylor) wrote :

I created a backup using :
 innobackupex-1.5.1 --stream=xbstream --parallel=4 --compress --compress-threads=2 /var/lib/mysql | ssh walker@db-stat-slave cat > db-stat-newbackup

I attempted to restoring using:
 xbstream -x < /home/walker/backups/db-stat-newbackup

The xbstream operation completed with a "bad magic" error.

The output of du -hs in the restore directory was the same as the xbstream file.

I attempted to run --apply-log to process the directory, but it couldn't read the files.

I noticed most of them ended in .qp.

I don't know if I'm supposed to decompress them mysql, or if that was supposed to be handled by streamxb and failed, or if xtrabackup --apply-log is supposed to handle that step.