Comment 0 for bug 1273196

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Raghavendra D Prabhu (raghavendra-prabhu) wrote : Issue with xbcrypt/xbstream

xbcrypt fails to parse packet (or so it seems).

Session 1:

(here I chose bigfile as a media file of 1.4 GB)

mkdir /tmp/x1
cd /tmp/x1

xbstream -c bigfile | xbcrypt --encrypt-algo=AES256 --encrypt-key=6F3AD9F428143F133FD7D50D77D91EA4 | gzip | pv -f -i 10 -N donor -s 22806528 -L 2m | socat -u stdio TCP:

2014/01/27 16:30:47 socat[52746] E write(3, 0x1aec5f0, 8192): Broken pipe===========================================================================================================> ] 91% ETA 0:00:00

Session 2:
mkdir /tmp/x2
cd /tmp/x2
socat -u TCP-LISTEN:21792,reuseaddr stdio | pv -f -i 10 -N joiner | gzip -dc | xbcrypt --encrypt-algo=AES256 --encrypt-key=6F3AD9F428143F133FD7D50D77D91EA4 -d | xbstream -x -C .

xbcrypt:xb_crypt_read_chunk: unable to read chunk iv size at offset 0x1ef5f2e. ]
   joiner: 31.1MiB 0:00:16 [1.84MiB/s] [ <=> ]
2014/01/27 16:30:47 socat[52714] E write(1, 0xfe37f0, 8192): Broken pipe


Another test yielded this: (I removed rate limiting in pv to see if that is causing it)

xbstream -c bigfile | xbcrypt --encrypt-algo=AES256 --encrypt-key=6F3AD9F428143F133FD7D50D77D91EA4 | gzip | pv -f -i 10 -N donor | socat -u stdio TCP:

2014/01/27 16:40:56 socat[55215] E write(3, 0x1bf55f0, 8192): Broken pipe ]
donor: 123MiB 0:00:16 [7.72MiB/s] [ <=>

Session 2:

socat -u TCP-LISTEN:21792,reuseaddr stdio | pv -f -i 10 -N joiner | gzip -dc | xbcrypt --encrypt-algo=AES256 --encrypt-key=6F3AD9F428143F133FD7D50D77D91EA4 -d | xbstream -x -C .
xbcrypt:xb_crypt_read_chunk: unable to read chunk header data at offset 0x7ba7ca3. ]
joiner: 123MiB 0:00:20 [5.99MiB/s] [ <=> ]
2014/01/27 16:40:56 socat[55169] E write(1, 0x130f7f0, 8192): Broken pipe


This issue manifests in other ways with xbcrypt itself as in here or

[Reported here ]