Comment 2 for bug 1266896

Revision history for this message
Matthew B (utdrmac) wrote :

percona@wh1:~$ pt-table-sync --replicate percona.checksums --sync-to-master --print --verbose h=localhost
The slave is connected to 3307 but the master's port is 3306 at /usr/bin/pt-table-sync line 6840.

Not sure why this is a rule/check within the perl code. Just experienced this with a client who is running an SSH tunnel to his master for security. The slave runs on 3306 and connects to the master on which is forwarded to master:3306. So my client is getting this error as well.

In the sub is_master_of() I simply commented out these lines:

# if ( $port != $slave_status->{master_port} ) {
# die "The slave is connected to $slave_status->{master_port} "
# . "but the master's port is $port";
# }

And the script, as executed above, works as expected. So, not sure what the original intent of protection was.