Comment 1 for bug 1174956

Revision history for this message
roberto spadim (roberto-b5) wrote : Re: pt-fingerprint with wrong commentary remove

the problem is the "--" of commentary
[beto@friganso ~]# pt-fingerprint --query "/* -- S SU ABORTABLE -- spd_user: rspadim */SELECT SQL_SMALL_RESULT SQL_CACHE DISTINCT centro_atividade FROM est_dia WHERE unidade_id=1001 AND item_id=67 AND item_id_red=573"

[beto@friganso ~]# pt-fingerprint --query "/* S SU ABORTABLE spd_user: rspadim */SELECT SQL_SMALL_RESULT SQL_CACHE DISTINCT centro_atividade FROM est_dia WHERE unidade_id=1001 AND item_id=67 AND item_id_red=573"
select sql_small_result sql_cache distinct centro_atividade from est_dia where unidade_id=? and item_id=? and item_id_red=?