Comment 0 for bug 1169853

Revision history for this message
Daniƫl van Eeden (dveeden) wrote :

The documentation says that the default recursion method is "processlist,hosts", but this does not seem to be true.

The "cluster" recursion method also seems to be used.

This can be tested by running pt-table-checksum on:
- a 3 node PXC setup which uses MySQL Replication to replicate to another 3 node PXC setup.
- Then run pt-table-checksum against the node which has the master role in the MySQL Replication setup.

Expected result:
pt-table-checksum detects "regular" mysql replication with 1 master and 1 slave.

Actual result:
Cluster setup is detected
"xxx is a cluster node but no other nodes or regular replicas were found. Use --recursion-method=dsn to specify the other nodes in the cluster."