Comment 2 for bug 1415828

Revision history for this message
Laurynas Biveinis (laurynas-biveinis) wrote :

SET lc_messages=cs_CZ;
SET @@session.tx_read_only=TRUE;
SET DEBUG_SYNC='now SIGNAL altered';
main.foo31 [ fail ]
        Test ended at 2015-01-30 10:39:02

CURRENT_TEST: main.foo31
mysqltest: At line 4: query 'explain extended select * FROM t0 as t0 left join t0 as t0 on t0.d0=t0.a0 left join t0 as t0 on t0.a0=t0.d0' failed: 1066: Nejednozna\010Dn? tabulka/alias: 't0'

The bug bundle has references to specific user names and libjemalloc hardcoded paths. I am not willing to spend time to debug it right now.