Comment 1 for bug 1736833

Revision history for this message
Roel Van de Paar (roel11) wrote :


1) Note this bug is sporadic. However, it usually reproduces in 5-15 attempts (cursor up>enter>cursor up>enter etc. until status 256 output of pquery is seen instead of status 0)
2) Reproducibility may be different on different systems (i.e. >15 attempts may be needed, I included a while loop below for ease of use)
3) This only replays via mysqlclient API calls (i.e. pquery)
4) Actual testcase;

The attached tarball (1512603735_bug_bundle.tar.gz) gives the testcase as an exact match of our system, including some handy utilities

$ vi 1512603735_mybase # STEP1: Update the base path in this file (usually the only change required!). If you use a non-binary distribution, please update SOURCE_DIR location also
$ ./1512603735_init # STEP2: Initializes the data dir
$ ./1512603735_start # STEP3: Starts mysqld
$ ./1512603735_cl # STEP4: To check mysqld is up
$ ./1512603735_run_pquery # STEP5: Run the testcase with the pquery binary
$ vi /dev/shm/1512603735/error.log.out # STEP6: Verify the error log
$ ./1512603735_gdb # OPTIONAL: Brings you to a gdb prompt with gdb attached to the used mysqld and attached to the generated core
$ ./1512603735_parse_core # OPTIONAL: Creates 1512603735_STD.gdb and 1512603735_FULL.gdb; standard and full variables gdb stack traces

while [ 1 -eq 1 ]; do ./1512603735_run_pquery ;done # To loop (or just do manually 5-15 times)