Comment 1 for bug 1673712

Revision history for this message
fimbulvetr (fimbulvetr) wrote :

I just setup a 14.04 box yesterday with PS 5.7.17.

The only confirmed way for me to have it honor *any* nofile/LimitNOFILE setting was to add the line:

session required



Then, perhaps out of pure superstition or old habits, I logged out completely from the box, all of my ssh sessions terminated. (Mainly, this is because I use ssh session sharing (ControlMaster) which requires me to log out of every session before a new ssh session to the box gives me a legitimately new login)

Once this was done, 14.04 + PS init.d/mysql script would honor my /etc/security/limits.conf

I can't comment on how your 5.6 script worked, perhaps it was edited to hardcode nofile or maybe it was a bit more featureful than the 5.7 one, but the stock 5.7 one only works with the aforementioned steps.

Unfortunately, 14.04 was a major transitory release between system V, upstart and systemd - which means unless you find exact instructions for your service, you may have to edit some combination of the 3 files to get it all to jive. I am confident that the shipped PS 5.7 init.d script is entirely system V and needs to load that for pam sessions in order for it to enable reading the limits.conf file.