Comment 0 for bug 1668602

Revision history for this message
Arturas Moskvinas (arturas-w) wrote :

If "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE..." gets executed on server with GTID enabled and read_only mode enabled, then 'DROP /*!40005 TEMPORARY */ TABLE IF EXISTS `sometablename`' gets inserted in server binary log. This creates errant transaction, that other slaves in cluster might not have and can break replication if server with errant transaction gets promoted to master and this transaction is already deleted from binary logs.

Percona version tested: 5.6.35-80.0, Debian jessie
How to reproduce:
1. On any read-only server with non-privileged user execute `drop temporary table if exists sometablename`, no need to actually create temporary table before dropping.
2. Check `show master status`, you'll find new gtid generated on slave in read-only mode