Comment 0 for bug 1510092

Revision history for this message
Sergei Golubchik (sergii) wrote :

I'll just put everything in one bug report :)

1. storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/cmake_modules/FindValgrind.cmake

I've changed

- find_package_handle_standard_args(VALGRIND DEFAULT_MSG
+ find_package_handle_standard_args(Valgrind DEFAULT_MSG

with the comment "correct the package name in FindValgrind.cmake (for find_package(... REQUIRED) to work)"

2. storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/cmake_modules/TokuMergeLibs.cmake

I've commented out


with the comment

  Libraries must be specified in the specific order,
  REMOVE_DUPLICATES cannot be used, because it destroys this order.
  (when OSLIBS contains "-lpthread -ljemalloc -lpthread", REMOVE_DUPLICATES
  makes it "-lpthread -ljemalloc". But a thread library *must* be *after* jemalloc)

3. storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/cmake_modules/TokuSetupCTest.cmake

      COMMAND which ${filename}
      OUTPUT_VARIABLE full_filename

with the comment "'which' might print errors to stderr, they are not important, shut them up"

    COMMAND hostname
    OUTPUT_VARIABLE fullhostname
- string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.tokutek\\.com$" "" ${out} ${fullhostname})
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.tokutek\\.com$" "" ${out} "${fullhostname}")

"MDEV-5124 cmake failure when fullhostname is not resolved

expand fullhostname inside the string, to have an empty string, not nothing,
when fullhostname is not defined"

- configure_file(CTestCustom.cmake . @ONLY)
+ configure_file( CTestCustom.cmake @ONLY)

"don't configure_file into itself (with input=output)"