Comment 4 for bug 1417810

Revision history for this message
mig5 (mig5) wrote :

Here you go:

innodb_additional_mem_pool_size 8388608
innodb_buffer_pool_size 2147483648
innodb_dict_size_limit 0
innodb_ibuf_max_size 1073725440
innodb_log_block_size 512
innodb_log_buffer_size 8388608
innodb_log_file_size 104857600
innodb_max_bitmap_file_size 104857600
innodb_merge_sort_block_size 1048576
innodb_page_size 16384
innodb_purge_batch_size 20

Only the innodb_log_file_size has changed (since the crash), the other InnoDB variables in configuration have not

I should add, the only other change that's happened on the system (other than libc upgrade due to GHOST vuln) was the machine was rebooted into a newer kernel (3.18.3-x86_64-linode51) around the same time that Percona was upgraded to 5.5.41-rel37.0-727.squeeze

I am going to experiment with booting back into an older kernel to see if that's the issue. In the meantime is there any documentation on how to downgrade to older Percona version in Debian - I can't find the .deb's of older releases in the repo
