
Comment 1 for bug 699454

Revision history for this message
Ineiev (ineiev) wrote :

A mainstream bug misfixed (sometimes
fab layer lacks an aperture)

--outline-gerbers made work when `outline'
layer is absent

Item that didn't work has been removed:
(5) disable drills output in outline layers

Some tests added:

(copy your favourite board to ineiev-tests/gerber.features/test.pcb)
(1) check that default output is comparable with the unpatched
 (build unpatched and patched versions of PCB);
 cd ineiev-tests/gerber.features
 gcc -Wall -o cmpgbr cmpgbr.c
 mkdir m n
 ${old_good_pcb} -x gerber -o m/b test.pcb
 ${misfeatured_pcb} -x gerber -o n/b test.pcb
 ./cmpgerber m n;rm -r m n

 the script will show if there is any significant

(2) check that different options are comparable with the default:
output a pcb gerber with different format options
(pcb -x gerber \
     --gerberfile out \
     --outline-gerbers \
     --metric-gerbers \
     --gerber-x-precision 5 \
     --gerber-y-precision 3 \
     --metric-drills \
     --4.2-metric-drills \
     --decimal-in-drills \
check with several Gerber viewers if all is OK
(load respective layers exported with different options
and see no significant difference (well, --outline-gerbers
should change the picture evidently)), e.g.
 cd ineiev-tests/gerber.features;./cmpoptions