
Comment 1 for bug 1694453

Revision history for this message
Bert Timmerman (bert-timmerman) wrote :

Copied the message below from the geda-help Mailing list:

On 10/26/2017 09:51 PM, Carlos Moreno wrote:
> [ ··· ]
> (I guess you can tell that right after my previous
> reply I went and ran a few tests of this feature....
> works beautifully!!!)

Actually, it seems to work beautifully with PCB version
20140326 (installed from source directly downloaded
from the gEDA web site). But it does not work on
version 4.0.2 with the same .sch and .pcb files (this
version also installed from source).

Now, I cannot post the files, since they are part of a
research project being done with an industry partner
under NDA.

I'm posting this message in case this is a systematic
problem, or in case you can think of anything obvious
that I may be doing wrong.

When I do "Import Schematics" using the same .sch
and .pcb files but with version 4.0.2, it does not add
the elements, nor does it change the footprint of
two of the components, nor does it flag a bunch of
shorted nets (the orange-ish highlight). It only flags
*one* shorted net (i.e., it highlights in orange *one*

Sorry I can't be more helpful (to determine whether
it is indeed a bug and to have an instance to help
debug it).
