Comment 1 for bug 607469

Revision history for this message
Greg Coit (gregcoit) wrote :

I'm unable to reproduce this error. On both the 32 and 64 bit version of the Mercury 1.1 Beta 2 (ami-294aa340 and ami-554aa33c), the init script runs fine except for this line (which is related to

Merging from remembered parent location
bzr: ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision was specified.

The solution to this error is:

/etc/init.d/bcfg2-server stop
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/bcfg2/
sudo bzr branch lp:pantheon/1.1 /var/lib/bcfg2
echo -e "<Clients version=\"3.0\">\n</Clients>" | sudo tee -a /var/lib/bcfg2/Metadata/clients.xml
sudo /etc/init.d/bcfg2-server start; tail -f /var/log/syslog
sudo bcfg2 -vqed

As for errors reported by on your server, i think they are caused by the second instance of being started while the original (system started) was still running.

Changing to invalid.