Comment 10 for bug 1022934

Revision history for this message
Julián Unrrein (junrrein) wrote :

Hi Jeremy,

It's unfortunate that my branch fails to build nowadays. It may be necessary to merge and commit changes from trunk first.

If you can't reproduce any of the crashes, then it's excellent!

But are you sure that all of the issues I mention in the GDoc are solved with your patch?
In particular:

"4) If there is more than one level of nonexistent folders - e.g. trying to access /home/julian/omg/wth/ but neither “omg” nor “wth” exist - the creation of “wth” fails, because “omg” doesn't exist. Files should create all the necessary folders at this step.

5) Use Granite's Welcome Screen.

6) When this view is active, attempting to reach another non-existent folder below the current non-existent one will leave the location bar in a weird state. When creating this other folder or going back to another one, the location bar goes back to normal."

Number 5, while technically not being an issue, it's very easy to implement.
For number 5, see (ignore the changes to src/View/ViewContainer.vala ).
For number 4, see While this works, it never frees the memory allocated in line 6361 in libcore/marlin-file-operations.c .

While I didn't try your patch, can you verify that creating a directory using your patch doesn't duplicate that dir's entry in the back button's history? This doesn't matter very much and can be fixed later, but just for the record.

Nice work finding and fixing bug 1184104!

And finally, thanks for your commitment!