Comment 1 for bug 1013285

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Yvon TANGUY (vono22) wrote :

I've juste tested your program (I'm started seeing, if I can use libRocket in panda), but for me, your example work (partially).
I have theses warnings:

:rocket(warning): No font face defined on element #text < icon < div#content < body < #root#pandaRocket. Please specify a font-family in your RCSS.
:rocket(warning): No font face defined on element #text < icon < div#content < body < #root#pandaRocket. Please specify a font-family in your RCSS.
:rocket(warning): No font face defined on element #text < icon:drag < body. Please specify a font-family in your RCSS.
:rocket(warning): No font face defined on element #text < icon:drag < body. Please specify a font-family in your RCSS.
:rocket(warning): No font face defined on element #text < icon:drag < body. Please specify a font-family in your RCSS.
:rocket(warning): No font face defined on element #text < icon < body. Please specify a font-family in your RCSS.
:rocket(warning): No font face defined on element #text < icon:drag < body. Please specify a font-family in your RCSS.

If I include (sorry, I know almost nothing about the .rml file now):
 <link type="text/rcss" href="rkt.rcss"/>
 <link type="text/rcss" href="invader.rcss"/>

in the <head> part, there is only this warning left:
:rocket(warning): No font face defined on element #text < icon:drag < body. Please specify a font-family in your RCSS.

I'm using the CVS version of panda (1.8.0+, as of today 2012/07/09), and the current git version of libRocket.
OS: Ubuntu 64bits
Python: 2.7.3