Comment 15 for bug 2039346

Revision history for this message
Herve Beraud (herveberaud) wrote :

Here is a summary of the recent discussions we had about this topic.

The root cause of this eventlet issue is:

Apparently the problem come from the patched version of RLock maintained in eventlet.

The problem is that that's RLock module is a non sense. This RLock things is one of the main reasons that motivated us to move away from eventlet, see the community goal proposal for more details

So, we shouldn't wait for a fix of the root cause on the eventlet side. This RLock clone is too far from the current implementations of CPython and we don't have the resources to address such a colossal work.

In parallel, oslo.log received a couple of fixes to address that issue on the Openstack side:


Unfortunately, stars are not aligned concerning this topic...

Indeed, years ago we transitioned a couple of oslo stable libraries to the independent release model. oslo.log was part of these deliverables. So during yoga and zed, oslo.log was considered as an independent deliverable, out of coordinated releases, and so, without stable branches related to yoga and zed.

So we are not able to backport these fixes to these not existing stable branches. Operators should either relies on recent versions of the oslo.log library, or manually patch their runtimes with the 3 previous patches.