Comment 1 for bug 1323893

Revision history for this message
David Murphy (dnamurphy) wrote :

galaxy objects do not have a .size variable:

In [3]: g = cl.galaxies[0]

In [4]: g.size
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-b41815e8ddad> in <module>()
----> 1 g.size

AttributeError: galaxy instance has no attribute 'size'

...clusters however do:

In [5]: cl = det.clusters[0]

In [6]: cl.size
Out[6]: 0

But size isn't really defined or used. It could be used to represent r200 for example, but it is not implemented - therefore it could be removed until needed (by updating the class definition of a cluster object).

For angular size of a cluster, use:

In [7]: cl.extent
Out[7]: 0.00085929510147658163

Or re-calculate it with:

In [8]: cl.max_radius()
Out[8]: 0.00085929510147658163