Comment 20 for bug 280160

Revision history for this message
Aleksey Sukhonosov (aleyer) wrote :

I modified the latter script to suit my needs. I have 2 problematic network which I can't connect to because of wrong ifconfig_local and ifconfig_remote variables. They have different network prefixes ( and and because $4 and $5 variables are empty, I have to choose them manually. Here is the script for this task. The local address is set in the script, x.x.x.201 in my case.

if [ -z "$ifconfig_local" ]
a=$(su $USER -c 'export DISPLAY=:0.0; zenity --list --title="Network addresses" --column="Remote" --column="Local" "" "" "" "" ')
export ifconfig_remote=$a
export ifconfig_local=${ifconfig_remote/%.1/.201}
/usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-openvpn-service-openvpn-helper.dist $*