Comment 2 for bug 1226086

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Stefan Rijnhart (Opener) (stefan-opener) wrote :

Excellent find, thank you!

Your analysis makes sense because _parent_store is new for in 7.0. Then again, the orm actually checks wether _parent_store is new to an existing model and then runs _parent_store by itself so I am wondering why this did not take place during the upgrade automatically.

When I test this out, I find that this is what happens when the base module is upgraded. The logs say "Computing parent left and right for table ir_ui_menu" at that moment. Immediately afterwards, the parent columns are all consistent. After the upgrade of the other modules have finished, there are gaps in the parent_left/right columns. When I run an --upgrade all again, the columns are filled.

I don't have an explanation right now for the gaps in parent_left/right which seem to come up during the upgrade of the other modules. I think it would be good to implement the workaround that you suggest, and created a branch with it.