Comment 64 for bug 1245473

Revision history for this message
cfontes (cfontes) wrote :

I am running 17.10 with MATE, and this bug is still happening, I report it was working in 16.04 with Mate and after upgrading I have a working layout switcher between 2 languages but all Shift+Alt derived shortcuts specially the ones in IDEA are not working anymore

==== User rant ====

Well I will add my complain,

This is one of those "I fell like switching back to windows" kind of bug, the kind that make you stop before recommending ubuntu to your friends and family, the one when people point it out to you, you simply lower your head and nod.

This is super old and terrible for any shortcut user in a multi language setup, which are most of developers I know of.

In 17.10 not even the Xorg recompile is working anymore, for some magical reason in 16.04 this was fixed maybe by Dell(I have a dell ubuntu machine) or someone else, as soon as I updated to 17.10 it appeared again.

It's really infuriating to start my IDE everyday with this on.

In my case, layout switcher for keyboards is working ( probably because of some of config from 16.04) but all Shift+Alt derived shortcuts specially the ones in IDEA are not. So no more fancy multi caret edit for me, or fast renaming, or line switching I am basically missing some of the the good stuff IDEA provides and was payed for because of a 10 year old bug.

That disaster that was Unity was build and killed during the time bug has been around.