Comment 42 for bug 1245473

Revision history for this message
In , Nrbrtx (nrbrtx-redhat-bugs) wrote :

Description of problem:
Let's assume for clarity that keyboard layout shortcut is set to <Ctrl+Shift>.
In previous versions of GNOME this key combination did not interfere with other hotkey combinations. But nowadays it is broken.

- Set ctrl+shift as shortcut for switching keyboard layouts
- Try to use ctrl+shift+v, ctrl+shift+c in Terminal -- it doesn't work (actually Terminal window loses focus when ctrl+shift is pressed, and layout is switched)

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Bug exists in Red Hat ____Enterprise___ Linux Workstation 7.0 (Maipo).

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce (S); Actual Results (AR); Expected Results (ER)

Test case No. 1:
(S): Open gnome-terminal, type some command, try to copy the command with <Ctrl+Shift+C> and to paste it with <Ctrl+Shift+V>.
(ER): Text is copied and pasted, keyboard layout is not changed.
(AR): Text is not copied and not pasted, but keyboard layout is changed.

Test case No. 2:
(S): Open Firefox web-browser, open new tab, go to some site, close this tab, try to recover tab with <Ctrl+Shift+T>
(ER): Recently closed tab is opened, keyboard layout is unchanged
(AR): Firefox opened new tab, keyboard layout is changed

Test case No. 3:
(S): Open any text editor (gedit libreoffice Writer), type some text with several words, try to select some of that words with <Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow> or <Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow>
(ER): Text is selected by words, keyboard layout is not changed
(AR): Text is not selected, keyboard layout is changed

Test case No. 4:
Open Blender (see for details)

Test case No. 5:
(S): Try to make a screenshot of desired window region with <Ctrl+Shift+PrintScreen>
(ER): Cursor is changed to cross, desired area is selected by user, screenshot is copied to clipboard, keyboard layout is not changed
(AR): Whole screen screenshot is saved to clipboard, keyboard layout is changed

The aforementioned test-cases works as expected on previous versions of GNOME (for example 3.4.2 in Ubuntu 12.04).

Additional info:
This bug exists at least in Ubuntu (see, the bug is reported to upstream ( with no luck.