Comment 5 for bug 1012701

Revision history for this message
Sebastien (tuzisan) wrote :


Since last time, I restarted the configuration from the very beginning and posted some shell commands I used to automate the most error-prone parts on the documentation website.

I think I made a mistake when creating endpoints but don't know where. This time I've created endpoints with this code and it works:
keystone service-list \
 | perl -aF'\s*\|\s*' -ne '
  my $hd = "";
  # service -> [ public, admin, internal ] url tails
  my %tl = (
   nova => [ ":8774/v2/\$(tenant_id)s", ":8774/v2/\$(tenant_id)s", ":8774/v2/\$(tenant_id)s" ],
   volume => [ ":8776/v1/\$(tenant_id)s", ":8776/v1/\$(tenant_id)s", ":8776/v1/\$(tenant_id)s" ],
   glance => [ ":9292/v1", ":9292/v1", ":9292/v1" ],
   swift => [ ":8080/v1/AUTH_\$(tenant_id)s", ":8080/v1", ":8080/v1/AUTH_\$(tenant_id)s" ],
   keystone => [ ":5000/v2.0", ":35357/v2.0", ":5000/v2.0" ],
   ec2 => [ ":8773/services/Cloud", ":8773/services/Admin", ":8773/services/Cloud" ],
  next if scalar @F < 4 or $. < 3 or not $tl{$F[2]};
  system "keystone", "endpoint-create", "--region", "myregion", "--service_id", $F[1], "--publicurl", "$hd$tl{$F[2]}[0]", "--adminurl", "$hd$tl{$F[2]}[1]", "--internalurl", "$hd$tl{$F[2]}[2]";

The problem is fixed for me :)

Maybe an extra package "openstack-starterguide-toolkit" with few scripts would be usefull to ease configuration?
