Describe the internal and external stakeholders when designing an OpenStack cloud, and the impact they may have on business requirements and architecture design.
Please note:
1. Do not modify the current guide in openstack-manuals/docs/arch-design. Commit your changes to the draft directory openstack-manuals/docs/arch-design-draft.
2. Please ensure your commit message references the blueprint: Implements: blueprint archguide-mitaka-reorg
Describe the internal and external stakeholders when designing an OpenStack cloud, and the impact they may have on business requirements and architecture design.
Please note: manuals/ docs/arch- design. Commit your changes to the draft directory openstack- manuals/ docs/arch- design- draft. mitaka- reorg
1. Do not modify the current guide in openstack-
2. Please ensure your commit message references the blueprint: Implements: blueprint archguide-
For a complete list of work items for the Architecture Design Guide, see https:/ /wiki.openstack .org/wiki/ Architecture_ Design_ Guide_work_ items.