Comment 0 for bug 1457770

Revision history for this message
N Dillon (sicarie) wrote :

There are two examples of nova events given, but no indication of what events are available per service, nor what events are indicative of what actions occurring on the server.

These events should be called out, or linked to. The only thing mentioned is that OpenStack uses python levels, but the individual events are created by the developers and should be able to be referenced.
Built: 2015-05-16T15:22:32 00:00
git SHA: 253e05b6a76004212781d7c24b0b7d7f2c2377e7
source File: file:/home/jenkins/workspace/operations-guide-tox-doc-publishdocs/doc/openstack-ops/ch_ops_log_monitor.xml
xml:id: logging_monitoring