Comment 0 for bug 1214139

Revision history for this message
Anne Gentle (annegentle) wrote :

Would be great to include a listing and description of all headers for the Object Storage API. This listing is similar to how Ceph documents the Swift API at

Name Description Required
X-Container-Read No
X-Container-Write No
X-Container-Meta-* No
ETag No
Content-Type No
Transfer-Encoding chunked No
X-Copy-From Yes (PUT)
Destination Yes (COPY)
If-Modified-Since No
If-Unmodified-Since No
Copy-If-Match No
Copy-If-None-Match No
Range No
If-Modified-Since No
If-Unmodified-Since No
If-Match No
If-None-Match No
Content-Range Data range, will only be returned if the range header field was specified in the request
Range No
If-Modified-Since No
If-Unmodified-Since No
If-Match No
If-None-Match No
X-Object-Meta-* String
X-Auth-Key String
X-Auth-User String
X-Storage-Url String
X-Storage-Token String