If we're unable to extract the project version from the package, we
leave things unversioned. Unfortunately, that means setting the
'version' and 'release' config options to 'None'. These should be
strings and setting them to 'None' results in the following errors:
WARNING: The config value `release' has type `NoneType', defaults to `str'.
Exception occurred:
File ".../sphinx/builders/html/__init__.py", line 475, in prepare_writing 'release': return_codes_re.sub('', self.config.release),
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object
Simply set an empty string instead.
Change-Id: I6df4a90b04f3ed89c69fb7669027feda6c5ffe79
Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <email address hidden>
Closes-Bug: #1896609
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/753284 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ openstackdocsth eme/commit/ ?id=6876b7276be d6432c30e2f46e8 f7dd242113e067
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit 6876b7276bed643 2c30e2f46e8f7dd 242113e067
Author: Stephen Finucane <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Sep 22 11:07:37 2020 +0100
Store empty string for release
If we're unable to extract the project version from the package, we
leave things unversioned. Unfortunately, that means setting the
'version' and 'release' config options to 'None'. These should be
strings and setting them to 'None' results in the following errors:
WARNING: The config value `release' has type `NoneType', defaults to `str'.
Exception occurred: builders/ html/__ init__. py", line 475, in prepare_writing
'release' : return_ codes_re. sub('', self.config. release) ,
File ".../sphinx/
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object
Simply set an empty string instead.
Change-Id: I6df4a90b04f3ed 89c69fb7669027f eda6c5ffe79
Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <email address hidden>
Closes-Bug: #1896609