Comment 3 for bug 1333082

Revision history for this message
Mark T. Voelker (mvoelker) wrote :

I believe this is the code block Ian is referring to:

Notice that it's not actually setting up a Havana repo because the location, pocket, and release are all parameterized:

echo "deb <%= @openstack_repo_location %> <%= @openstack_release %><%= @pocket %>"
[etc etc]

What is wrong is that the file name doesn't match what the actual release is...e.g. it's putting the Icehouse repository info into a file called "cisco-openstack-mirror_havana.list". That means you still get the right code, the file's just confusingly named. So, a couple of things need doing here:

1.) The file name should based on the release name, obviously. Or at least it needs to be statically corrected for the Icehouse train.
2.) If using upstream repos, ensure it doesn't get created at all.
3.) Remove the supplemental repo entirely. We don't need it in Icehouse at all.

Also for what it's worth: on AIO installs you actually end up with the files named properly and no supplemental repo already, and I think that's also the case if you don't boot baremetal with Cobbler (e.g. you install Ubuntu yourself via whatever means and then use the shim scripts or just manually point a puppet agent at the build node). It's only if you use Cobbler to boot baremetal that this manifests.

root@aio01:/etc/apt/sources.list.d# ls
root@aio01:/etc/apt/sources.list.d# cat cisco-openstack-mirror_icehouse.list
# cisco-openstack-mirror_icehouse
deb icehouse/snapshots/i.0 main
deb-src icehouse/snapshots/i.0 main
root@aio01:/etc/apt/sources.list.d# cat cisco-openstack-puppet-mirror_icehouse.list
# cisco-openstack-puppet-mirror_icehouse
deb icehouse/snapshots/i.0 main
deb-src icehouse/snapshots/i.0 main