Comment 2 for bug 1212776

Revision history for this message
Ian Wells (ijw-ubuntu) wrote :

Things I would expect to be in the Nexus plugin module and not in core.pp:

package { 'python-ncclient':
      ensure => installed,
} ~> Service['quantum-server']
(that dependency wasn't there when I filed the bug, and ought to be a -> in any case; also use a 'before' or 'notify' or you risk hitting a puppet bug in 2.7 that's triggered by mixing -> and the other sort of dependency)

    # hack to make sure the directory is created
    Quantum_plugin_cisco<||> ->
    file {'/etc/quantum/plugins/cisco/nexus.ini':
      owner => 'root',
      group => 'root',
      content => template('nexus.ini.erb')
    } ~> Service['quantum-server']
Should be -> I would think; absolutely shouldn't be here

  if $nexus_credentials {
    file {'/var/lib/quantum/.ssh':
      ensure => directory,
      owner => 'quantum',
      require => Package['quantum-server']
    } ->
    nexus_creds{ $nexus_credentials: }

Shouldn't be here