Comment 4 for bug 917593

Revision history for this message
Eoghan Glynn (eglynn) wrote :

Applying the devstack nova config logic to glance config also would definitely be a step forward, in the sense of reducing duplication and avoiding devstack brittleness on future glance config changes.

Now in this particular case, the config has not only been changed but also split out over two files (e.g. glance-api.conf & glance-api-paste.ini) whereas previously there would have only been a single config file (e.g. glance-api.conf) for each glance service.

So as long as the devstack changes were (initially at least) made tolerant of the glance-*-paste.ini files being missing, then I don't see any reason why the approach suggested by Jim above wouldn't work.

i.e. would just need to check if [ -e $GLANCE_DIR/etc/glance-api-paste.ini ] before attempting to copy.

This approach would also have the advantage of not requiring the glance commits to be squashed.