Comment 13 for bug 1337735

Revision history for this message
Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote :

Unfortunately not...

    error: Patch set is not a draft.
    one or more approvals failed; review output above

Apparently it only works for draft patchsets, so I faked it out by switching it to a draft in the backend DB via gsql...

    update changes set status='d' where change_id='92704';
    update patch_sets set draft='Y' where change_id='92704';

Then deleted patchset #2 using the command you suggested and published the remaining patchset with...

    gerrit review --publish 92704,1

After that I was able to git review an updated patchset to 92704 without the original defect, and Gerrit made it the new patchset #2. The down side is that it lost comments associated with the old patchset #2, but it did at least preserve the code review votes.

I tried asking for suggestions in #gerrit yesterday but that place is a ghost town lately.