Comment 1 for bug 1321434

Revision history for this message
Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote :

It looks like this may only affect votes called with unspecified default options:

19:15 <fungi> #startvote foo bar?
19:15 <@openstack> Begin voting on: foo bar? Valid vote options are Yes, No.
19:15 <@openstack> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.
19:15 <fungi> #vote Yes
19:15 <fungi> #endvote
19:15 <@openstack> Voted on "foo bar?" Results are
19:15 <fungi> #startvote foo baz? xyzzy, plugh
19:15 <@openstack> Begin voting on: foo baz? Valid vote options are xyzzy, plugh.
19:15 <@openstack> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.
19:15 <fungi> #vote xyzzy
19:15 <fungi> #endvote
19:16 <@openstack> Voted on "foo baz?" Results are
19:16 <@openstack> xyzzy (1): fungi

Explicitly specifying Yes and No options seems to work around this problem:

19:17 <fungi> #startvote foo quux? Yes, No
19:17 <@openstack> Begin voting on: foo quux? Valid vote options are Yes, No.
19:17 <@openstack> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.
19:17 <fungi> #vote Yes
19:17 <fungi> #endvote
19:17 <@openstack> Voted on "foo quux?" Results are
19:17 <@openstack> Yes (1): fungi