Comment 2 for bug 1228364

Revision history for this message
Elizabeth K. Joseph (lyz) wrote :

Included in cgit these days is automatic parsing of files in order to display them on an /about page for the repository, which is linked in the top header (see screenshot), this is done simply by adding a few lines in the cgitrc file.

Attached is how it looks with this enabled for nova's README.rst

Compare to github (scroll down to the bottom):

And just the raw output of browsing to README.rst manually in the tree (which is arguably less discoverable than a linked /about in the menu):

This uses the default /usr/libexec/cgit/filters/ that ships with cgit that uses rst2html (or md2html) for converting text, if we want it to be "prettier" we can work with changing what is used for the conversions and serving up a custom

Applying rst2html filters to all .rst files is a bit more of a complicated effort.