Comment 2 for bug 1218631

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Anita Kuno (anteaya) wrote :

Taking a look at some options:

1. reinstall what we have re: puppet-dashboard: puppet-dashboard is old and is no longer being supported by PuppetLabs, see this email thread:!msg/puppet-users/j44EbTJY7HI/EQSJgh-g1fgJ
The rails version is old and it relys on an older version of ruby, 1.8.7. The most usable version of ruby right now is 1.9.3 and ruby 2 has been released. The current version of rails is rails 3.

2. install a forked/updated version of puppet-dashboard:
If you read the bottom post in this email thread:!msg/puppet-users/j44EbTJY7HI/EQSJgh-g1fgJ this is the most up-to-date version of puppet-dashboard although it does appear to be a work in progress. It appears to use rails 3 and works with both ruby 1.8.7 or 1.9.3. In my opinion, we should use rvm and install 1.9.3 for using this fork, if that is the selected option.

3. salt has a dashboard, halite, "its first version will be released with 0.17.0. Some old screenshots are here: and here: but there have been quite a few changes since then I think 0.17.0 will be released in the next week or two" UtahDave via irc

4. mgagne pointed out foreman to me: It is a provisioning tool written in ruby. I had been looking for a dashboard alternative, and foreman does have a dashboard, but it is also its own provisioning tool, so I have no idea how much work would be involved getting a forman dashboard working with puppet. Also ruby.

Based on the options above, I would like to recommend option #2, at least to stand one up and test it to see if we can get it working. I would also like to keep option #3 in the back of our minds, since if we could move to a tool that uses python I think it would be a lot less work to perform maintenance tasks since we would already be familiar with the quirks of certain libraries and mirrors.