Comment 2 for bug 1182154

Revision history for this message
Khai Do (zaro0508) wrote :

Looked into how to make this work with gerrit. The maven release plugin won't work with gerrit workflow so we have to come up with an alternative plan. My idea is to make the maven release workflow similar to the python release workflow so we can do the exact same thing for our maven as we do for python distuils.

My plan is to do the following :
1. Setup maven projects accept a passed in version string from the command line.
2. Pass in version info on every maven build that gets run by jenkins. The version info contains the version number and a git sha, so something like 'myplugin-1.0-a1f3bcd'
3. Upon a gerrit tag of the project we run a maven build and deploy so the artifact gets uploaded to Then increment the version number and commit pom.xml

To get this working I will need to modify project pom.xml, create a few helper scripts to manage version numbers, and create the build jobs in puppet.