Comment 0 for bug 1003153

Revision history for this message
Anne Gentle (annegentle) wrote : Offer a way for readers to edit a page in a lightweight web-based editor, then use git-review in the background to submit a review to Gerrit.

Monty said he had an idea about using git review in the background to help readers make quick edits to doc web pages.

David Cramer at Rackspace also found this annotation tool, wonder if there's a good mashup concept in there somewhere?
go to this page:

Click the link "Found an error? Fix it in your browser"

Notice that you can now edit the page. If you click Save, two things
happen (I think):

1. Somehow your changes are saved (a cookie combined with something
saved on the server?) so you'll see them the next time you come back.

2. The page maintainer is notified and sent your edits. The maintainer
can then incorporate your changes into the source so it will be there
for the next build.

Note: the page is NOT updated for everyone.

The mark-keywords thing seems to be just a way for you to mark important
words and have them still be marked the next time you come back. Not
sure how useful that is.
