Comment 1 for bug 1331246

Revision history for this message
Anne Gentle (annegentle) wrote :

This repo is frozen and moving to the openstack-attic. So this exact page won't be updated. But double-checking the API reference:

1. The "status" property is shown in the XML response, but not the JSON response. If this is intentional, it should be explicitly stated. Otherwise, the examples should be updated to show the correct responses.
This should be fixed in by removing status in the XML example.

2. What is the purpose of the "snapshot_id" property? Is the value ever not null? If so, what form can the value take when it's not null?
Not sure.

3. What is the "attachments" property? Is the value ever anything other than an empty array? If so, what form(s) can the value take when it's not an empty array? What is the form of the elements of the array?
Not sure.

Seems this bug can be partially fixed, but needs answers about snapshot_id and attachments from a cinder developer.