Comment 15 for bug 1960175

Revision history for this message
Dwane Pottratz (dpcsar) wrote :

Hi Dmitriy,

I tried out master with the change. I am not seeing the same error as I was before. It will not start the monitors and the /var/log/ceph/ceph-mon.infra3.log repeats this:

2022-02-08T17:55:54.643-0800 7f9e850e3700 1 mon.infra3@0(leader).osd e1 _set_new_cache_sizes cache_size:1020054731 inc_alloc: 373293056 full_alloc: 373293056 kv_alloc: 272629760
2022-02-08T17:55:56.603-0800 7f9e828de700 1 mon.infra3@0(leader) e1 adding peer [v2:,v1:] to list of hints
2022-02-08T17:55:56.603-0800 7f9e828de700 1 mon.infra3@0(leader) e1 adding peer [v2:,v1:] to list of hints
2022-02-08T17:55:56.603-0800 7f9e828de700 1 mon.infra3@0(leader).elector(4) discarding election message: v2: not in my monmap e1: 3 mons at {infra1=v1:,infra2=[v2:,v1:],infra3=[v2:,v1:]}

Strangely, this in on my infra1 machine. Should it be ceph-mon.infra1.log?
Other machines seem to show the same message, but are name correctly.